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Director Message

“It’s a mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” claimed Aristotle. So many years down the line strenuous efforts are being put to build an educational community that may uphold this tenet.
To me Education is the ability to appreciate an opposing point of view in the face of contradictory evidence. It’s a journey of self actualization and our children need the ability to think for themselves and make their choices with responsibility.
At SPS , Damla, Our endeavor is to forge our students with confidence and poise .They are motivated to learn ,grow, share and prosper. Numerous activities that our children do each day are designed such that they become creative, self reliant, sensitive and responsible human beings who may make a significant change in the society and world at large. Besides the children are being equipped with the skills required to excel in 21st century. Be it the communication, creativity or critical thinking, the learners are given ample opportunities to hone their skills and grow into well rounded individuals.
Unlike a potter who moulds, designs & sets the wet soil into a beautiful pot on his own the shaping of a child into a responsible, cultured ,holistically groomed human being is possible only with the efforts of a team of  committed teachers, parents, family and the society at large.
Let all of us pledge to contribute our mite in opening up of the mind and shaping of the future generations of our great India.
God Bless
Mrs. S Bathla